
Live steam models on 7¼" gauge of the Württembergische T3 and on 5"gauge Great Eastern Railway Y14 class

Welcome to this blog. It will inform you about the progress of designing and building live steam model locomotives. The blog contains the description of a model Würrtembergische T3 on 7¼" gauge (constructed between 2006 and 2017), the wagons for this loco (built between 2018 and 2022), and the current project a 5" gauge model of a Great Eastern Railway Y14 class loco (started in 2020)

On the left you'll find the index where you can browse the different articles and on the right you'll find all the extras.  You'll find a brief description of my other locos on the top tabs.

Click for the direct link to start of construction series below 
T3 7¼" steam locomotive 
Enjoy this site. Erik-Jan Stroetinga. The Netherlands. Europe.

Sunday 19 May 2024

More boiler parts

With the 3½" Mona out of the workshop I finally got around to making and finishing more boiler parts. 

Finishing the boilerplates

First of all, was cutting the plates to length. This was all done by hand: sawing and filing and sometimes the use of the angle grinder.

Firedoor ring

From a bar of copper, the firedoor ring was turned. This is a similar version as was made for the Württembergische T3, but only smaller. 

The conical shape (bigger towards the inside) gives a clearer view on the fire. 

Dome ring

Turned from bronze, this ring holds the inner dome to the boiler. 

Marking out the holes for the screwthread

Fly cutting the radius of the boiler shell. The ring is held by 4 M3 bolts to a steel mounting plate. This makes the setup in the vice easier. Only light cuts were taken. 

A separate copper ring is made, for making it easier to hold the dome ring in the correct position on the boiler shell while silver soldering. 

Chain drill the dome hole in the boiler shell.

With a half-round file, the hole is cut to size. 

The hole in the boiler is a about millimeter smaller than the dome ring, so that I can see during the soldering process, that the silver will nicely flow around the complete seam.
The copper ring will be held in position with a few rivets. 

Work in progress

Drilling the outer wrapper.

Making the holes for the safety valve bushes.

I didn't have a correct end mill size, so the boring head was put in action.

Drilling the holes for the steam valves. This loco has no turret, so several holes are needed.

Somebox tube plate

Locating the center of the tube plate, for drilling and reaming the fire tube holes.

The same procedure was used for the firebox tube plate.

An overview of the boiler to be.


On top of the firebox, for the backhead plate and smokebox tube plate girders are needed.
These were made with the shaping machine and the water spaces were done on the milling machine. 

The radius was cut by hand with a hacksaw and file. 

Finally turning all the bushes

Almost there to start soldering. Only two more plate girders are needed for the firebox. 

The drawing/design is progressing also. A start is made with the boiler fittings, dummy leaf springs for the loco and a first general outline of the reverser.
(To see this drawing full size, open it in a new tab, or download it.)